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Ministry of Energy announced the rescue plan for CEH: it keeps two mines and two energy groups

25 April 2016

The representatives of the Ministry of Energy consider that they have found a solution to save a part of the Hunedoara Energy Complex (CEH), enough that it does not become a social problem for the Jiu Valley and the restructuring, as it does not jeopardize the balance and the functioning of the national energy system.

According to the restructuring plan announced by Minister of Energy Victor Grigorescu, the Lonea and Lupeni mines (members of CEH) will close by 2018, the Livezeni and Vulcan mines will be maintained and from the existing groups at the Paroşeni and Mintia power stations, a group from each one will be kept in operation, with a cumulative capacity of 400 MW. At this moment, the two power plants have an aggregate installed power of about 1,500 MW. The restructuring plan will be submitted to the European Commission.

The coal sector will not remain petrified, Victor Grigorescu, Minister of Energy
At the Lonea mine are working about 900 people and the Lupeni mine is operated with the help of 1,290 employees. Regarding the two groups that will be kept in operation, the one from Paroşeni that has 150 MW and was refurbished in 2005, and the group that will be kept in operation at Mintia it is the only viable from the unit there. In total, thermal power plants and mines that compose CEH work around 6,300 employees.

“I started from the idea that the Hunedoara Energy Complex problem is not a social, but one of security of the energy system, since in that area of ​​the country are very few manufacturers. The conclusion of the committee on mining is that we need two energy groups, one at Paroşani and one in Deva, which together have 400 MW and which should associate with two mines that we consider viable, of the four currently operating,” said the minister in the conference of presenting the restructuring plan.

“From the four mines currently composing the complex, Livezeni and Vulcan seem to be viable, and the other two Lonea and Lupeni, will enter the closure program until 2018, which we have already agreed with the European Commission” completed the minister.

Coal has an important role in the transition to a fully renewable energy base, Corina Popescu, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Energy
For the mentioned separation of the assets the Ministry will use before the European forums the argument of the deficitary supply of energy for the Transylvania region, where there are only two major classic manufacturers, CEH and the Iernut power station, owned and operated by Romgaz, both with serious efficiency and technological obsolescence.

The maintained viable mines and energy groups, could compose a new company without debt, added Corina Popescu, Secretary of State in the Ministry, responsible for the Electricity and Mining portofolios.

“The ideal variant would be a new company, including a group from Paroşeni one in Deva and two viable mines that do not have debt. But all of these must be negotiated with the European Commission,” said Corina Popescu.

The closure of the Lonea and Lupeni mines does not require the dismissal of employees there overnight, underlined Corina Popescu.

“This does not mean that starting tomorrow 2.000 miners will be laid off, as they are needed in the process of closure. This closure has two stages of works, the underground closure and measures for rehabilitating the overpass,” said the Secretary of State.

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