Acasă » Electricity » ANRE has realized the online platform for changing the supplier of electricity and natural gas

ANRE has realized the online platform for changing the supplier of electricity and natural gas

18 October 2022

The National Energy Regulatory Authority announces that it has completed the creation of the online platform for changing the supplier of electricity and natural gas at the national level (POSF), an investment of over 19 million lei. After the verification and validation period of the POSF database, ANRE will publicly announce the date from which the platform can be used by end consumers.

The POSF platform is needed to simplify the process of switching electricity and natural gas suppliers. POSF users are natural or legal persons – end customers of electricity and/or natural gas, as well as economic operators involved in the procedure of changing the electricity and/or natural gas supplier by the end customer and contracting the supply of electricity and/or natural gas, registered in POSF.

The simplification of administrative procedures, together with the implementation of an intuitive and innovative IT solution, will lead to the reduction of the current term of 21 days in order to meet the new European requirements which provide that by the year 2026 the technical process of changing the supplier will be completed within 24 hours .

Whereas from October 10, 2022, network operators and suppliers of electricity and natural gas began the process of uploading the metadata related to the approximately 15 million places of consumption and related supply and network contracts. After the completion of this stage, ANRE will check with the suppliers and network operators how the POSF works and the flows of changing the supplier of both electricity and natural gas, from accessing the offers in the comparator until signing the contract.

The investment was made within the project “Development of the institutional capacity of the National Energy Regulatory Authority to simplify the process of changing the supplier of electricity and natural gas” – SMIS 129990/705. The POCA project, with a deadline of December 2, 2022, is co-financed from the European Social Fund, through the Administrative Capacity Operational Program 2014-2020, and the total value of the project is 19,223,269.45 lei.


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