C. Nițulescu: România vrea să repornească termocentralele pe cărbune, dar nu renunță la ținta de neutralitate climatică
România s-a angajat în Green Deal fără a analiza „destul de corect” etapele de închidere a centralelor de producere a…
2008 – Full Professor, The City University of New York, Brooklyn College.
I teach Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Geostatistics, Petroleum geology, Well Logging, GIS, and Climate Change courses (undergraduate and graduate level), in addition to Core classes. Advise six Master students and two PhD students. Research involves carbon dioxide sequestration in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, well log analysis, overpressures in sedimentary basins, natural gas production from gas hydrate deposits, use of artificial intelligence methods in petrophysics and hydrogeology
2003 – 2008 : Associate Professor, The City University of New York, Brooklyn College.
2001 – 2002: Assistant Professor, The City University of New York, Brooklyn College.
1999 – 2001: Research Scientist, University of Oklahoma. Investigation of the fluid regime in the upper crust, reservoir modeling, well log analysis, hydrogeologic and overpressure studies.
1998 – 1999: Assistant Director, Institute of Exploration and Development Geosciences, University of Oklahoma. Supervised the research activities of scientific personnel and graduate students (15 persons); collaborated in several industry-related scientific projects.
1997 – 1998: Research Scientist, Institute for Exploration and Development Geosciences, University of Oklahoma (Director Dr. John Castagna). Work involved log blocking optimization, statistical distribution of AVO attributes, velocity prediction, well log analysis, characterization of rock/fluid properties, seismic calibration of well log data, estimation of hydrocarbon probability, hypothesis testing, and computer programming (work for a major oil company).
1994 – 1997: Ph.D. student and Teaching Assistant, University of Oklahoma. Work involved analysis of regional heat flow and hydrogeology, well log analysis, thermal conductivity measurements in the heat flow lab, construction of geologic maps and cross sections, computer modeling.
1993 – 1994: Fulbright Visiting Scientist, University of Oklahoma. Computer modeling of the thermal history and hydrocarbon generation in the Transylvanian Basin, Romania. Work involved present-day heat flow analysis, estimation of paleo-temperatures, paleo-thermal gradients and paleo-heat flow, well log analysis, estimation of oil and gas generation using different models.
1981 – 1993: Lecturer of Geophysics, "Al. I. Cuza" University Iasi, Romania. Taught five geophysical courses: Well Logging, Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Data, Geophysical Prospecting Methods, Earth Physics, and Marine Geophysics. Wrote three textbooks on Well Logging and Geophysical Prospecting Methods. Conducted research on subsidence modeling, gravity, magnetic, and well logging prospecting methods. Advised 45 MS students.
1976 – 1981: Geotechnical Engineer, Administrative Authority of Vaslui County, Romania. Conducted geotechnical studies required for building, bridges, and highway foundations.