Acasă » Electricity » Niculescu: Romania literally kept the light on in the Republic of Moldova during crisis

Niculescu: Romania literally kept the light on in the Republic of Moldova during crisis

24 May 2024

Romania kept the light on, literally, in the Republic of Moldova for two winters and managed to do so because it had a ready energy system, said, on Thursday, the president of the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE), George Niculescu, according to Agerpres.

“In my point of view, as much as we project investments in the energy system to ensure a balanced mix of electricity production, we also solve the problem of security of supply, as well as the problem of affordability of the cost of energy in the bill of household and non-consumers -households on the electricity side. From this point of view, Romania has shown consistency in recent years, through funding sources and government programs with a very high level of funding. We have also seen during the energy crisis that Romania, at own, kept the light on in the Republic of Moldova for two winters, that is, the help given to the neighbors was consistent. We managed to do this precisely because we had an energy system ready to do this, ready to ensure the need for energy at the consumption level of energy from Romania and then we were able to extend a helping hand to the Republic of Moldova. Why not extend this help to other countries as well, when it is needed and why not strengthen our position as a regional leader in the field of energy?,” said Niculescu.

The head of ANRE claimed that Romania is the first country in the region in the field of “offshore wind”, with the promulgation of a draft law in this sense by the president Klaus Iohannis.

“We showed leadership and from this point of view I will briefly recall the project promulgated by the President of Romania regarding the production of “offshore wind” energy, a sector that is for the first time regulated by a country bordering the Black Sea, a fact that positions us in the first place in the region in this field. I repeat, I believe that the solution to this problem is investments in the entire chain: in the production of electricity, in the development of transport networks – because we produce energy in the south-east of Romania for nothing. , how we produce now, if we are not able to transport it to the northwest consumption area, especially, investments in distribution networks that must face all the challenges of this period, from the prosumer to projects that must be connected to the networks of distribution, digitization, etc,” emphasized the president of ANRE.



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