Acasă » Electricity » ENTSO-E launched a dedicated network codes website

ENTSO-E launched a dedicated network codes website

25 October 2013

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) has unveiled on 24 October a dedicated website aimed at providing stakeholders and others with up-to-date information on the nine network codes that it is currently developing, and any future codes.

The website provides all interested parties with some general information on the electricity sector in Europe, information on the individual electricity network codes, why they are required, and their role in achieving a single internal electricity market for Europe. The website will be updated regularly.

The Secretary-General of ENTSO-E said that “since 2011 ENTSO-E and our colleagues in ENTSOG have been working with the European Commission and ACER drafting network codes which will facilitate the harmonisation, integration and efficiency of the European energy market. The creation of the single energy market is one of the most ambitious projects of this nature ever undertaken and involves many stakeholders, market participants and customers, whose input was and is critical to its success.”

“The electricity industry is highly complex, as is the content of many of the network codes. However, ENTSO-E believes that given the enormous role electricity plays in every element of our day to day lives, it is critical that we make information about it as accessible as possible to people. We hope that this site and the information contained within it will assist in this and that our stakeholders or anybody interested in energy and electricity will find it useful and informative,” he concluded.

ENTSO-E represents 41 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) across 34 countries. As directed by Regulation (EC) 714/2009, ENTSO-E’s role is to enhance cooperation between TSOs across Europe in order to assist in the development of a pan-European electricity transmission network in line with European Union energy goals.

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