Acasă » Electricity » Delgaz Grid completes the modernization of five transformer stations in Vaslui

Delgaz Grid completes the modernization of five transformer stations in Vaslui

15 January 2024

Delgaz Grid, a member company of the E.ON Romania Group, is finalizing an investment project financed by European funds through which the transformation stations Huși, Stănilești, Vetrișoaia, Fălciu, Murgeni were modernized by replacing some high and medium voltage equipment. Also, the necessary conditions were created for the SCADA (control and remote data acquisition) integration of the five transformer stations.

The project was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 6: Promoting clean energy and energy efficiency in order to support a low-carbon economy, Specific Objective 6.1: Increasing the production of energy from less exploited renewable resources (biomass, biogas, geothermal) – distribution.

The total value of the project is 37.2 million lei, of which 23 million lei from the ERDF, 4 million lei from the National Budget and 10.2 million lei the contribution of Delgaz Grid.

The works took place between 21.08.2019 – 31.12.2023 and have as their main objective the increase in the safety of taking over electricity produced from renewable resources by reducing the number of interruptions, reducing the amount of undelivered electricity and reducing the maintenance costs of the distribution network.

At the same time, the quality of the distribution service will be improved for more than 40,000 customers who are fed from the stations included in the project.

In the context of the energy transition, energy networks must become increasingly intelligent to integrate as much energy as possible from renewable sources. Basically, the power grids are the backbone of the transition to green energy.

Delgaz Grid, as a distribution system operator, has an important role to play in maintaining future grid balance, especially at the local level. This project is part of the company’s strategy to develop a smart grid capable of receiving and transporting energy from multiple and widely distributed sources, for example, wind turbines, concentrated solar power systems, photovoltaic panels.

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