Acasă » Electricity » Burduja: Gov’t collected over 45 bln. lei from energy companies; 25 bln. lei were reimbursed

Burduja: Gov’t collected over 45 bln. lei from energy companies; 25 bln. lei were reimbursed

28 February 2024

The energy system contributed much more than it received in the context of the energy crisis and as a result of all fiscal measures, the sums collected from energy companies exceeding 45 billion lei, of which no more than 25 billion lei were reimbursed, said the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja.

“We are looking at the capping and compensation scheme and there we must follow some principles. On the one hand, to have stability in the market and at the end customer. Or, it is not an easy thing to do when you have an international regional situation in dynamic continues. On the other hand, it must be a sustainable scheme and we know well that the Romanian state has registered some debts to suppliers and they are not small. We have tried every time to find solutions, to come up with an Emergency Ordinance, to ask for money from the Transition Fund, from the off-shore tax, etc. to pay these amounts as quickly as possible(…) I believe that the energy system, as a whole, contributed much more than it received in the context of the energy crisis and as a result of all fiscal measures, somewhere over 44-45 billion lei, of which no more than 20-23-25 billion lei have been settled now, per day. These are amounts collected by the state from energy companies, on all fees, on all taxes, on dividends, on everything that came in,” said Burduja, according to Agerpres.

Asked if an extension of the capping scheme is being considered until 2026, the minister replied that in the current formula it will be difficult to argue before the European Commission.

“We have a dialogue with the Commission – there was also Mrs. Ditte Juul Jorgensen, the energy director – and at least this year we manage to stay within these parameters, and until March 2025, as is the current legislation, after which we have to prepare this period and we will do it in a staged, transparent way and in full consultation with all the people in the energy system. Yes, it’s a long time until 2025, at the same time, it’s not much,” the minister emphasized.

He indicated that discussions have been started to prepare a gradual transition to a more competitive market.

“I wish, I am a follower of a competitive market in which, through the healthy struggle between those who offer and those who come to demand, the best possible prices result. But at the same time, we must be aware that it is not a typical situation on the market energy and not only ours, but at a regional or even global level and we must protect and ensure the stability of the entire system. (…) We must be very careful not to disrupt the market and somehow overlap some international developments that we cannot control and then let’s run a film that the Romanians have seen before, and the companies and the citizens and we all saw it a few years ago,” pointed out Sebastian Burduja.

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