Energy suppliers demand their involvement in state social programmes to stop
Energy suppliers no longer want to be involved in schemes to support vulnerable consumers. “In the energy supply sector, the…
Energy suppliers no longer want to be involved in schemes to support vulnerable consumers. “In the energy supply sector, the…
Electricity distribution companies are committed to increased investment in the fifth regulatory period, according to ANRE officials. We spoke to…
Romania is a bit late and we come last to the table, because we cannot offer those who can help…
The investments we hear about in different projects on the production side will prove effective if they can reach the…
The need for investments in the electricity distribution infrastructure, until 2030, is somewhere between 9 and 11 billion euros, taking…
We are at a moment of historic transformation, which highlights the essential role of distribution networks and the urgent need…
The ACUE Federation (Federation of Associations of Energy Utilities Companies) demands the national authorities to treat seriously the need of…
Failure to make accelerated investments in the energy distribution sector could mean that, in the long term, the cost to…
State control over final energy prices puts significant pressure on suppliers and creates risks for the whole energy market, said…
We have a problem in the way the financial sources are secured at the Transitional Fund from which the payments…
The investment requirement in distribution networks is 15.6 billion euro for the period 2020-2030, of which about 9 billion euro…
The summary of the “Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes, Smart Buildings and Smart Networks” project shows a real interest from…
Energy and fuel prices will increase between 44% and 130% in the next 25 years, reveals a new study carried…
The renewable energy market in Romania is in a positive period and the authorities should follow this trend, especially as…
Investments in electrical networks must be greatly supported and accelerated, because otherwise an even greater gap will be created between…
The new draft Emergency Ordinance for the limitation of budget expenditures introduces, through Article XIV, measures to limit payments for…
The draft law on some fiscal and budgetary measures to ensure the financial sustainability of Romania in the long term…
The energy suppliers are not lobbying for an early exit from the price cap scheme, but they are asking for…
Investments in increasing storage capacities are critical because, otherwise, no matter how many investments are made, the system will still…
The Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE) has completed the “Social Dialogue for a Green Country” project, co-financed…
The obligation of the distribution operator to ensure the financing and carrying out of the connection design and execution works…
ACUE, the Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies, announces the appointment of Cristina Păun as deputy director of the…
The ACUE Federation is deeply concerned about the decision to maintain the ceiling for the cost of suppliers with the…