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Hydrogen Project – what we have in Romania

20 Apr 2023 @ 10:00 - 14:00

Thursday, April 20th, 2023, de la ora 10:00, la Maison 13 (2 Dumbrava Roșie Street, Bucharest), Energynomics invites you to a conversation in which we bring together all the perspectives necessary to understand what are the opportunities of the moment in the Hydrogen Project!

A check of the list of projects summarised by the European Alliance for Clean Hydrogen shows that Romania has fewer and less varied initiatives than Bulgaria. Projects involving Romanian companies account for an insignificant share of the nearly 1,600 mentions in the list.

It’s true that even at European level, hydrogen is still only a big project – hydrogen accounts for less than 2% of Europe’s current energy consumption and is mainly used in plastics and fertiliser production. 96% of hydrogen production is via natural gas, leading to significant CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

European and national strategic documents and funding will quickly change this situation.

Returning to the list mentioned above, we see that almost 300 projects are due for completion in 2023 or 2024! In addition, major European infrastructure projects will be decided in the coming months.

The choices we make today to advance this new technology will determine how quickly or not at all it will truly revolutionize the energy industry.


Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors. You can register HERE.

This conference is organized by Energynomics with the support of our partners: Aplind, Delgaz Grid, Horváth, Photomate, Transgaz.



  • Romania’s hydrogen strategy – where we stand
  • What are the chances of developing a value chain of hydrogen (for energy) in the region neighboring Romania?
  • How do European policies support hydrogen energy projects?
  • How prepared is Romania for using hydrogen as an energy resource?
  • Hydrogen sources: petrochemicals, agrochemicals, renewable production, nuclear, natural gas, coal
  • What is the potential impact of electrolysis systems on electricity networks?
  • The storage and transport of hydrogen; the role of large natural gas companies
  • Hydrogen mobility – infrastructure and vehicles
  • Use of hydrogen in industry
  • Hydrogen projects – what can be done, what has already been done


Strategic partners




Oana Ozmen
deputat PNL, secretar în Comisia pentru industrii şi servicii

Cătălin Stancu
Associated Senior Expert, Horváth

Ioan Iordache
Președintele Asociației pentru Energia Hidrogenului din România

Cristian Călin
Gas Technical Manager, Delgaz Grid

Adrian Paraschiv
Country Manager Photomate

Sorin Ionescu
Director Executiv Aptech


Gabriel Avăcăriței Chief Editor Energynomics