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Minister of Finance: Bucharest City Hall has debts to Elcen and RADET of 837 mln. lei

12 October 2020

The total revenues of the Bucharest City Hall this year were of 3.4-3.5 billion lei, and in September the revenues were of 99%, said the Minister of Finance, Florin Cîțu, following the special control performed by the MoF.

He said that “money existed, but it did not get where it should go.” He also stated that in the debt chapter “the situation looks bad, it clearly shows a bad management of public money,” according to

“I looked at the budget and the budget had these amounts included in the budget, they were included for the Quarters, but if we look at the execution – and this caught my attention: only 338 million lei was paid for thermal energy until September, of 935 million lei for the whole year, so a third, and for public transport 624 million lei, of 1.4-1.5 billion lei,” the Minister of Finance also said.

He pointed out that the money was sent to the mayor’s office, and the amount collected was higher than in 2019.

“Starting from here, I went further and looked at debts. And here the situation looks bad, it clearly shows a mismanagement of public money. I repeat, the collection in September was at 99%, the budget was built on these income. The money was distributed for the payment of subsidies, but this payment was not made. And here comes the role of this inspection,” the official specified.

At this moment, the Bucharest City Hall has debts to Elcen and RADET worth 837 million lei, Cîţu added.

Regarding the payment of the energy subsidy, Cîţu stated that the money did not get where it should go.

“From the first moment at the Ministry of Finance, I asked for a report of the controls of the financial activity or of the way in which the public money was spent in the state institutions. I asked for this report from all state institutions. Of course, the report we received was far from gratifying, we found companies that did not have an analysis of the economic and financial situation made in the last 10-15 years. Inspections by the Ministry of Public Finance have bypassed many of these companies for years. Among them, there was the Bucharest City Hall,” said the minister.

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