
ISPH (Institutul de Studii si Proiectari Hidroenergetice)


Service Providers


SPH Company, is an entirely private capital company providing consulting and engineering services.

Pe scurt

Turnover: 53.14 mil lei
Profit: 6.2764 mil lei
Employees: 343

Key People

Gabriela Dimu - Director General


SPH Company, established based on the Government Decision HG no. 306/1996, is an entirely private capital company providing consulting and engineering services. It is a private legal entity established as a joint stock company. Its activity observes Romanian laws and its statute. ISPH – SA is a company with a vast tradition in the design field. In 1963 in accordance with the provisions of the Decision of the Council of Ministers HCM no. 191/1963 the hydroelectric department established in 1949 with the Institute for Studies and Power Engineering (ISPE) merged with the Institute for Power Research and Energetic Studies (ICSE) and set up the Institute of Hydroelectric Studies and Design (ISPH). ISPH carried out during that period a large range of services from basic specific preliminary studies and investigations up to commissioning and structure behavior monitoring in operation. Presently ISPH – SA has established and develops its own system of quality in accordance with the provisions of the Law no. 10/1995, ISO international standards (adopted as Romanian standards) and the requirements of the other regulations in force for the company field of activity. Quality system is certified by SRAC (Romanian Society for Quality Assurance, certification body in Romania) implicitly by IQNet (The International Certification Network). ISPH is a member of ROCOLD (Romanian Commission on Large Dams) which is a founding member of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD/ CIGB) since 1928. On the 5th of December 1996, considering the general strategy for development of Romania, the decision for European integration and the policy of economic restructuring, for aligning the company activity to the European and international standards, for completion of the legislative and institutional system, ISPH together with other companies founded the Romanian Association of the Consulting Engineers (ARIC). ARIC imposed an ethical code (responsibility towards society and profession, competence, integrity, impartiality), a code ISPH honors. ARIC is a member of FIDIC - International Federation of Consulting Engineers since 2004 and of EFCA - European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Association since 2005. Since 2007 ISPH is a member of ESHA - European Small Hydropower Association.


293 Calea Vitan, District 3, 031295, Bucuresti, Romania
+4.021.314.72.70, +4.021.307.61.00